Medication Administration
What is wrong with the following pictures?
Please label the picture parts of an IV piggyback infusion set-up. Parts include the primary infusion bag, the primary infusion line, the pump/infusion device, the IV piggyback, and the IV piggyback infusion line.
Lydia Madsen
8/8/2010 01:02:41 am

#1: The IV is overtaped. It is not possible to assess the site or evaluate it's positioning. It also appears to be in the antecubital, which is a poor choice for insertion.
#2: IV is inseted in the wrong direction.
#3: In descending order from the top of the page: piggyback, piggyback infusion line, primary infusion, primary infusion line, pump, primary infusion line again.

Purvi Patel
8/9/2010 02:24:33 pm

#1: There is too much tape around IV and the arm, IV insertions site is not the best choice, looks infected, has not been changed or cleaned.

#2:IV inserted in the wrong direction

#3: Top to bottom: IV piggyback, IV piggyback infusion line, Primary infusion bad, primary infusion line, device,

8/11/2010 03:54:18 am

#1. Yuck! Clinical term for that is a very nasty PICC site. Dressing should have been changed in 24h. But it also looks like a coag issue. They should not bleed like that: may explain the copious amount of tape.

#2. Really Yuck!...the clinical term for...what in the world?!!
Even If it were going the right direction, there are no caps on the ports. Maybe this one needed a size 13 hand and a septic work-up.


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